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 Microblading Information

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a technique and form of semi-permanent makeup in which a small handheld tool made of several tiny needles is used to add semi-permanent pigment to the skin. A specialist manually implants ultra-fine lines of pigment beneath the skin to mimic natural-looking hair strokes and enhance the overall appearance of the eyebrow.​


The results are realistic, natural and fuller looking eyebrows. Please visit our contact page to book a microblading appointment. We will ask for a $50 deposit, which will go toward the service. We also ask that you fill out a form before the start of the service. Microblading results are not guaranteed. Healing results will vary with each individual client. 



Two-Appointment Process


You will receive a complimentary touch up appointment to make any adjustments and to see how your brow is healing. Results vary per person and continued brow color boosts is recommended to keep the color looking fresh.



We do not recommend Microblading if...


• You have a skin condition such as eczema, rashes, shingles, etc.

• You are undergoing Chemotherapy.

• You have keloids or post-inflammatry hypo-pigmentation.

• You have a transmittable blood disease such as HIV or Hepatitis.

• You are pregnant or breastfeeding.

• You are taking accutane medication or strong retinols.

• You have eyebrow tattoos or laser tattoo removal done.

• You are under the age of 18.



Pre-care Instructions


• Do not drink caffeine, alcohol or work 24 hours prior to your appointment.

• Do not take blood thinning medication and other supplements such as vitamin E, aspirin, niacin or ibuprofen 24 hours prior to your appointment.

• Do not go tanning 1 week before your appointment

• If you use Botox, make sure it is done two weeks prior or 2 weeks after your appointment.



After-care Instructions


• Do not shower for 48 hours after your appointment.

 Gently Wash and Moisturize your skin with cleanser, water and a small amount of ointment.

• Avoid sweaty workouts for 10 days after your appointment and do not rub or pick at your treated brows.

• After scabbing has occurred, use sunscreen on your eyebrows when in the sun, and avoid using retinol or anti-aging products on or near brows.



We will supply you with all our proper before and after care instructions

at your first consultation with us.


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